Reimagining Ocean Ecology

Towards a Paradigmatic Framework for the Seascape

13-15 March 2024 - Venezia, Italy

Advancements in technology have broadened our understanding of the ocean's ecosystems.
Still, our interpretation and theoretical approaches in marine science have remained somewhat traditional,
often centering on distinct physical and biological characteristics.
This approach inadvertently obscures the complex interconnectedness that truly defines the seascape.

In contrast, terrestrial ecology boasts a rich tapestry of theoretical frameworks, meticulously tailored to the unique attributes of terrestrial habitats.
The marine environment, characterized by the continuous movement of the substrate, a fluid that continually influences marine communities, warrants its own bespoke (Lagrangian) framework.

In the context of climate change, where the role of oceans has become increasingly significant, there is a pressing need to address this theoretical gap.
For this reason, we aim to create a space for revisiting and refining our understanding of ocean ecology,
aiming for a holistic approach that encapsulates the fluid, dynamic, and interconnected nature of marine ecosystems.

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh
"De sterrennacht" by Vincent van Gogh

List of Questions

  • Modeling Lagrangian Paths in Oceanography
    What are the latest advancements and challenges in modeling Lagrangian paths in ocean currents, and how can these models enhance our understanding of marine ecosystems and their dynamic interactions?
  • Understanding Oceanic Metacommunities
    In what ways can the concept of a metacommunity be applied to the ocean's diverse habitats, and how does this perspective alter our approach to studying marine biodiversity and ecological processes?
  • Incorporating Evolutionary Dynamics in Seascape Ecology
    How can we effectively integrate evolutionary dynamics into seascape ecology models, and what implications does this integration have for predicting and managing changes in marine biodiversity?
  • Functional Scales and Dynamics in the Seascape
    What are the key challenges in understanding and quantifying the scales relevant for functioning and dynamics within seascapes, and how do these scales influence ecological processes and conservation strategies?

" 'πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει' "
" 'all things move and nothing remains still' "
(Sokrates after Herakleitos in Kratulos 402a - Plato)

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Università degli studi di Padova