The program of the conference is the following. Times are shown in CEST (left) and EDT (right) timezones.
Tue 22 | Wed 23 | Thu 24 | Fri 25 | ||
10:30 AM (CEST) |
Hong-Yan Shih Emergence of collective evolution, ecological stability and diversity in bacteria and viruses from multi-scale feedback |
Jonathan Friedman Community composition of microbial microcosms follows simple assembly rules at evolutionary timescales |
Ville Laitinen Robust detection of early warning signals in limited time series |
Vishwesha Guttal Intrinsic noise, order and bistability in ecological systems |
4:30 AM (EDT) |
10:45 AM (CEST) |
Shane Hogle Co-evolution reorganizes the consumer competitive hierarchy in a two-consumer microbial ecosystem |
Enrico Gavagnin Synchronised oscillations in growing cell populations are explained by demographic noise |
Ada Altieri Evidence of glassy phases in large interacting ecosystems with finite demographic noise |
Lorenzo Fant Eco-evolutionary dynamics lead to functionally robust and redundant communities |
4:45 AM (EDT) |
11:00 AM (CEST) |
Marta Biondo The collective dynamics of aerotaxis in an eukaryotic simple model |
Philipp Thomas Stochasticity in cellular growth: sources, propagation and consequences |
Andrea Riba A Model-Driven Quantitative Analysis of Retrotransposon Distributions in the Human Genome |
Andrea Mazzolini Evolutionary regularities in models with generic demographic dynamics |
5:00 AM (EDT) |
11:15 AM (CEST) |
Michael Manhart Predictability of bacterial adaptation at high resolution under antibiotic stress |
Julien Tailleur Motility regulation as a self-organization principle |
Stefano Garlaschi An Effective Resource-Competition Model for Species Coexistence |
Jean-François Arnoldi Fitness and community feedbacks: the two axis that drive long-term invasion impacts |
5:15 AM (EDT) |
11:30 AM (CEST) |
Lukas Eigentler Founder cell locations predict outcome of competitive interactions within colony biofilms |
Silvia Zaoli A macroecological description of gut microbial community dynamics |
Valentina Ros Counting equilibria of large well-mixed ecosystems with asymmetric interactions |
Luigi Esercito Lines of descent in a Moran model with frequency-dependent selection and mutation |
5:30 AM (EDT) |
11:45 AM (CEST) |
Marco Mauri Conditions and trade-offs to enhance protein production in synthetic bacterial communities |
Maria Ruiz Ortega Statistical analysis on antibody sharing repertoires |
Mike Fowler Emergent Dynamics in Evolutionary Games Played in Small World and Random Networks |
Enrico Di Gaspero Phylogeny and population genetics: The mutation process on the ancestral line |
5:45 AM (EDT) |
12:00 PM (CEST) |
Maaike Sangster Conditions and trade-offs to enhance protein production in synthetic bacterial communities - Poster |
Giorgio Nicoletti Modeling the emergence of scale-free fire outbreaks in Australia |
Francesco Puccioni Stochastic agent-based models of cell population growth |
David Alonso Rule-based disease dynamics, long-term predictions, and stochasticity in COVID19 |
6:00 AM (EDT) |
12:05 PM (CEST) |
Alex Samoletov Statistical approach to mathematical modeling in population dynamics and ecology |
Benjamin Planque Possibilistic modelling of food-web dynamics based on Chance and Necessity (CaN) |
Chandler Ross Stationary Density Predictions Based on Simulations and Real Data |
6:05 AM (EDT) |
12:10 PM (CEST) |
Maksim Mazuryn Mean Field Game Model for Diel Vertical Migration |
Thibaut Morel-Journel When expansion flounders: an extension of the concept of range pinning in ecology |
Discussion | 6:10 AM (EDT) |
12:15 PM (CEST) |
Discussion | Discussion | Break | 6:15 AM (EDT) |
12:45 PM (CEST) |
Break | Break | Break | 6:45 AM (EDT) |
1:00 PM (CEST) |
Break | Break | Break | Break | 7:00 AM (EDT) |
2:30 PM (CEST) |
Rosalind Allen Modelling the establishment of marine biofouling communities |
Eric Dykeman Towards a whole cell stochastic model of the ribosome in the cell |
Agnese Seminara Sensory navigation in turbulent environments |
Amandine Véber The effects of a weak selection pressure in a spatially structured population |
8:30 AM (EDT) |
3:30 PM (CEST) |
Alvaro Sanchez Engineering microbial communities by artificial selection |
David Nelson On Growth and Form of Microorganisms on Liquid Substrates |
Nigel Goldenfeld Topological scaling laws and the statistical mechanics of evolution |
Corina Tarnita Lack of synchronization: a key for collective systems robustness? |
9:30 AM (EDT) |
4:30 PM (CEST) |
Break | Break | Break | Break | 10:30 AM (EDT) |
5:00 PM (CEST) |
Terence Hwa Extensive cross-feeding as a general mechanism of microbial cooperation |
Susan Holmes Latent factors and microbial communities in the human microbiome |
Daniel Fisher Ecology, Continual Evolution, and Fine-Scale Microbial Diversity: What should — or should not — be surprising? |
Eleni Katifori Coarse grained models for transport in spatially embedded contact networks |
11:00 AM (EDT) |
6:00 PM (CEST) |
Martina Dal Bello Resource-diversity relationships in bacterial communities reflect the network structure of microbial metabolism |
Filippo Valle Emergent statistical laws in single-cell transcriptomic data |
Matteo Sireci A macroecological law of species interaction in microbial communities |
Lorenzo Masoero More for less: Predicting and maximizing genetic variant discovery via Bayesian nonparametrics |
12:00 PM (EDT) |
6:15 PM (CEST) |
Matti Gralka Niche partitioning and community assembly in marine microbes |
Connah Johnson Modelling environmental-metabolic feedback in spatially distributed populations of chemically coupled cells |
Nicola Rigolli Robust prediction of target location using turbulent odor plumes |
Hardik Rajpal Causal emergence and top-down control in Tangled Nature Model |
12:15 PM (EDT) |
6:30 PM (CEST) |
Sylvie Estrela Functional attractors in microbial community assembly |
Ricardo Martinez-Garcia Species exclusion and coexistence in stochastic models with a competition-colonization tradeoff |
Sophie De Buyl Heavy-tailed abundance distributions from stochastic Lotka-Volterra models |
Leonardo Miele Control strategies for heterogeneous plant pathogens: evolutionary and agricultural consequences |
12:30 PM (EDT) |
6:45 PM (CEST) |
Marco Saltini Ontogenetic niche shifts and the potential for adaptive diversification |
Moein Khalighi The impact of ecological memory on a microbial community model |
Gian Marco Palamara The Stochastic Nature of Functional Responses |
Georgios Gounaris The vasculature as an optimal perfusion network |
12:45 PM (EDT) |
6:50 PM (CEST) |
Amit Sharma Modelling and simulation to suppress the spread of COVID19 with impulsive vaccination |
12:50 PM (EDT) |
6:55 PM (CEST) |
Pedro Henrique Cintra Evaluating the effect of non pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 infection dynamics through agent based models |
12:55 PM (EDT) |
7:00 PM (CEST) |
Zoë Lange Resolving Energy Storage in Extra-Embryonic Membranes |
Discussion | Discussion | Conclusion | 1:00 PM (EDT) |
7:05 PM (CEST) |
Discussion | 1:05 PM (EDT) |
Green cells indicate contributed talks, red cells indicate invited talks and yellow cells indicate posters.