
Abstract and poster submission

Abstract and poster submission is closed.
Notification of acceptance has been sent.


Registration for the online conference is open for speakers until May 10th, 2021. For attendees only registration will remain open until June 16th, 2021.
Register here! (for non Italian citizens, click the Anonymous button when asked for the ID)
Master students to register need only to fill this Google form.

The registration fee for online participation is:
Ph.D. students and Post-doc: 25 euros
Researchers, Professors: 50 euros
Non Academics: 75 euros
Master students: free

We are ready to announce that we will be able to have a DUAL online and physical conference. Speakers who have indicated in person participation in the Google form have been contacted. The registration fee for in person participation is 200 euros and a link for the payment will be soon available.

For any question please write an email to liph . unipd @

Fee waivers

There will be a joint special issue related to the Conference topic on the journals Entropy (IF 2.494) and Life (IF 2.991). A 20% discount on the publication fee will be applied for the special issue.

20 fee waivers for Ph.D. students and young post-docs offered by MPDI Journals are available. Fee waivers request are now closed. To apply for the fee waiver, please send your abstract via the Easy Chair link in the Abstract submission section, and send an email with your CV and two lines of motivations to with subject "SMEEB 2021 Fee Waiver Request".

MDPI Journals will also sponsor a 200€ award for the best contributed talk and a 100€ award for the best poster.